Earlier today, and ahead of his retirement next week, the Assistant Chief Executive of Wirral Council, David Armstrong, held a ‘leaving do’ at Birkenhead Town Hall for those with whom he has worked with most closely during his 34 years with Wirral Council.
Why are we posting this? Well, quite simply, without David’s support and action in the years leading up to the transfer of Wallasey Village Library to our charity, it would have closed forever. Finito.
When Wallasey Village Library Friends and local councillors, asked for the roof to be replaced; the footpath to be relaid and the interior to be redecorated by Prince’s Trust, it was David who cut through the Council red-tape and made it happen.
Had some of that work, along with other maintenance issues, not taken place, we would not have been able to afford to take on the building.
So, on behalf of all of us, thank you David Armstrong. We cannot thank you enough for all you have done.
We look forward to welcoming you when we re-open.