162 supporters…

If you’ve survived Christmas, New Year, Storm Isha and Storm Jocelyn, congratulations! As a bonus, I’ve found the password to get into this website.

We’ve just emailed 162 people who are supporting, interested or involved in our work to reopen Wallasey Village Library. To sign up to receive future emails, click on the ‘get involved’ tab and we’ll add you to the circulation list.

Last week, we heard from the Assistant Director overseeing the council’s part in the lease negotiations. We’re really grateful to David Ball for all his help with this. He confirmed:

  1. The Agreement for Lease (‘AFL’) is drafted.
  2. A schedule of works needs to be added which technical colleagues are progressing with a further meeting on site this week I understand.
  3. Once the schedule is completed then we will send this along with the AFL.

If that’s gone over your head, well, you and me both but it means that, with the help of Hill Dickinson (who are acting for us, for free), we will soon be able to give access to the building to our appointed contractors…

The trustees will be meeting again in a couple of weeks and we’ll report back after that.